Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Success Stories...

One of our goals on this blog is to share mentoring success stories- real life examples of the difference mentoring makes for our mentees, mentors, and society. 

This success story might not have the long-term benefits of most of our stories, but it's a lot of fun nonetheless!

January 10, 2015- ISU donates women's basketball tickets for our GRIP Mentoring pairs to attend the game. Cyclones win over undefeated Texas.

February 28, 2015- Bankers Trust invites the Iowa Mentoring Partnership and GRIP Mentoring to join them at the women's game and hand out information on mentoring. Cyclones defeat #3 ranked Baylor.

January 18, 2016- Bankers Trust invites YSS and GRIP Mentoring to join them at the men's game and raise awareness about mentoring. Cyclone victory over #1 ranked Oklahoma.

Is anyone else sensing a pattern? Go Cyclones!

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